Malik Talha

Journey into GSoC 2023

GSoC 2023 Journey: Week 19 Report

07 October 2023

4 Minutes

My contribution details and experiences during the nineteenth week of coding period of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023.


Welcome to my weekly report documenting my journey during Google Summer of Code 2023 with the Linux Foundation! In this project, I am working on enhancing the existing speech-to-text feature of Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) by introducing a Natural Language Intent engine and implementing software daemons/controllers to execute the extracted intent. This endeavor aims to significantly improve the user experience and functionality of the speech-to-text feature in automotive environments. Throughout this report, I will share my progress, challenges faced, and achievements made as I contribute to the development of AGL and pave the way for more intuitive and intelligent voice interactions in automobiles.

Summary of the week

This week marked significant progress in the project, focusing on resolving technical issues and advancing the development and documentation efforts. Notable accomplishments include the successful elimination of lag in the WakeWord recognition within the voice agent service, addressing Scipy/OpenBlas linking issues and pushing the fix to Gerrit, and contributing essential components by pushing RASA framework recipes and dependencies to Gerrit. Additionally, significant strides were made in documenting the project, with the completion of the first draft.

Tasks completed

  • WakeWord Recognition Lag Fix: Successfully addressed and resolved lag issues associated with WakeWord recognition in the voice agent service. This improvement enhances the responsiveness and overall performance of the voice agent.
  • Scipy/OpenBlas Linking Issue Fix (Pushed to Gerrit): Identified and rectified the linking issues related to Scipy and OpenBlas, ensuring proper integration of these critical libraries into the project. The fix was pushed to Gerrit for review and integration.
  • RASA Framework Contributions (Pushed to Gerrit): Contributed to the project's development by pushing RASA framework recipes and essential dependencies to Gerrit. This step advances the incorporation of RASA for natural language understanding and dialogue management.
  • Project Documentation: Made significant progress in documenting the project, with the completion of the first draft. The documentation serves as a vital resource for project stakeholders, providing insights into the project's architecture, setup procedures, and usage guidelines.

Tasks leftover

No tasks were leftover this week.

Next steps

In the upcoming week, the following tasks will be undertaken:

  • Continue Gerrit Push: Continue to push updates and improvements to Gerrit for review and integration.
  • Documentation Progress: Continue improving the documentation efforts.


Overall, this week was productive, and I am satisfied with the progress made in achieving the goals outlined for the week. I am excited to continue my GSoC journey and further enhance the speech-to-text feature in Automotive Grade Linux.


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